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Department of Agricultural Economics

Technology requirements for students in Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics

Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics undergraduate students are required to have a laptop—PC or Mac—with Microsoft Office installed on the system. Microsoft Office is available for students at https://portal.office.com/Home  by signing in with your student credentials.

K-Staters connecting their computers to the Kansas State University network can use the approved antivirus software of their choice or choose from the recommended software listed below:

Recommended antivirus software for K-State campus

Operating system

University Owned

Personally Owned

Windows 10

Defender (built-in)

Defender (built-in)

Windows 8 / 8.1

Defender (built-in)

Defender (built-in)



Sophos HomeFree

Windows Server 2016

Defender (built-in)

Defender (built-in)

For more info: https://www.k-state.edu/its/antivirus/

Here are some helpful links provided by the IT staff.


Information about Microsoft office for personal use by K-Staters can be found on:


This page includes the following link to download the software by signing in with the K-State credentials:


Our page with some more information on Office 365 is:



The antivirus page is:
